Medical Training
Medical Training
Stop The Bleed
American College of Surgeons certified course that covers emergency medical treatment for ordinary citizens to be able to help others in traumatic scenarios. Focus on proper application of tourniquets and compression bandages. Students also learn about patient interaction and handoff to Emergency Medical Services.
2,4, or 6 Hour Course with Certificate issued
Improvised Medicine
STB trained students looking to expand their skills and knowledge base. This 2 hour course covers the creation of improvised tourniquets, splints, and slings for dealing with emergencies when your medical kit isn’t at hand. A must for people that spend time hiking, camping, or being out and about in general.
STB Full Scenarios
More in depth version of the standard 2 hour STB class. This extended course additionally covers patient movement in emergencies, and multiple mass casualty simulated skills tests. Students will practice patient interaction and handoff to Emergency Medical Services.
4 Hour Course with Certificate issued
CPR & AED Certification
American Red Cross certification and recertification for First Aid, CPR & AED.
Adult/Child/Infant CPR/AED/First Aid courses all available individually or combined
Course length based on American Red Cross standards